Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sweet Story....

This is Victor Hayden's new kitten. As you may know in the last three months we had to put our dog down, someone stole Hayden's kitty (juicy) and his best friend past away. That is a lot for a 5 year old to take! He is doing ok, has his moments but is a strong little man. the picture you see Aaron and Monica. They were fostering this little kitty and heard from a friend everything Hayden has gone through in the last few months and right away they said he is the reason we took this kitty in! So they asked if Hayden could have Victor and of course we said YES! I can't thank them enough for giving this little kitten to Hayden. He has needed a "pick me up" lately and this did the trick. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart Aaron and Monica you put a smile on my boy's face.
Now for the name......Victor one of Cayden's middle name's and I used to call him "Vic" and he loved it yet pretended to hate it!! So Hayden thought it would be cute to name his new kitty VICTOR! Beleive me this will never replace Cayden but it will help us remember him everyday and love Victor as much as we loved Cayden.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We Will Miss You Buddy

This morning we received a heart wrenching phone call that Hayden's best friend Cayden passed away. We played last night until 10 pm starting at the barber shop then off to our house, then to get pizza and our final destination was Cayden's house to eat and play a little guitar hero. We are all so sad and wonder why God had to take this beautiful little man but we know he is in good hands. Our prayer's go out to his family and friends. Stay strong guy's we love you!